Go Green With Eco Green


ECO GREEN believes that effective, responsible pest elimination should be less dependent upon Chemical pesticides and more reliant upon techniques such as exclusion, traps and surveillance. This blend of non-chemical tactics and localized use of pesticides is called as Integrated Pest Management.

ECO GREEN does not wish to rely only on Repeated, Residual pesticide applications to form a Passive barrier against would-be pest invaders. That approach ignores two flaws; One, insects develop resistance to pesticides, especially when pesticides are used repetitively in low doses. Secondly, the use of subsequent high dosages can be harmful to both human, pets and the environment.

The Pest management operations in food handling establishment demand special considerations. We propose to adopt a Pest Management operations entirely based on Eco Green i.e. 4D formula (Deny entry, Deny food, Deny shelter and Destroy).

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